BLUE SHARK – Prionace glauca.
Identification: The blue shark is a slender, elongate shark that may attain a length of 3.8 m. The body of the blue shark is counter-shaded, deep almost iridescent blue on the back with lighter sides and a white underbelly. The dorsal fin is relatively low and well behind the trailing edge of the pectoral fins, which are very long and slender. Blue sharks have a long and cone shaped snout and the eyes are large with a prominent white ring around the edge.
Biology: Blue sharks are viviparous, giving birth to anything between 4 and 135 pups per litter. Female blues mature at 5- 6 years and males at 4 to 5 years.
Behavior: Blue sharks are a pelagic species found throughout the worlds oceans, preferring the more temperate waters from 12 -21 °C .
Diving with blue sharks: Blue and mako sharks can be found offshore in almost all regions of South Africa. Divers prepared to adventure offshore can encounter pelagic shark species during the Summer months in the Cape Town area.
Blue and mako sharks may be found some 10-20Nm off Cape Point in the months from October to May More on baited shark dives…